GOAT YOGA: 2018's Cutest Fitness Craze

Yes it was already a thing in 2017, but next year put it at the top of your list!

What could be cuter than a bunch of goats running around while you stretch out on a yoga mat?

If you haven’t heard about this phenomenon, then take a comfortable seat and prepare for all of the cuteness!


It’s a concept so simply perfect I’m surprised someone didn’t start it long ago. But don’t get confused....There are a bunch of goat yogas that will pop up in a Google search, but there is only one original!


Lainey Morse is the hero we have all be looking for. Based out of Albany, Oregon, she saw the glorious need for this perfect form of therapy. And from there a ‘thing’ was born. You know what I’m talking about. When something becomes a ‘thing’ is when you wished you knew about it sooner. Lainey’s Goat Yoga is so much of a ‘thing’ that she has an over 1,000-person waitlist that grows every day.

Lucky for me I was able to head down to her farm (appropriately called ‘No Regrets’) for a more personalized experience with her goats (in the form of a Goat Happy Hour sans yoga), and bonus was able to get some one-on-one time and really get to know the lady herself.

When mom (Lainey) comes in, even with wine, the goats are all about it!

When mom (Lainey) comes in, even with wine, the goats are all about it!

In general, her classes are held at her scenic farm, a little less than two hours from Portland, but she also does pop up type of classes like Goat Yoga & Wine Tasting!


Following a life event Lainey moved from Arizona to Oregon for a fresh start. Always wanting to own goats, her dream came true in the form of goats that needed a loving home. As such almost all of her goats are rescues. Go Lainey!

If there’s a goat in need you can be sure Lainey will be their superhero. But it’s not just about rescuing goats. 


Not only was she helping out the cutest of animals, she realized they provided a kind of therapy that in reality is hard to get from anything else. Lainey knows all about this on a personal level as her goats have helped her cope with her autoimmune disorder while she was also going through a tough divorce.

And sure you may get a little workout – key word may – but you'll leave with something so much more special!

Lainey couldn’t have said it more perfectly:
"It's hard to be sad and depressed when there's baby goats jumping on you."


Now I’m not saying this is the only reason you should be signing up for Goat Yoga, but I’m also not going to deny that in this 'grammable world we live in a goat climbing on your back while you're in cat pose should probably end up on Instagram. 


The best part about all of this? You’re going to have a huge smile on your face when that cute little guy does use you as a perch. So yes, you may have done it for the 'gram, but that smile on your face says so much more than that.

Each of the goats that Lainey brings has their own personalities, and most likely one of them is going to pull on your heartstrings and you'll be hooked. With the variety of goats she has, from mini goats to Boer goats, you can be sure you'll become slightly obsessed with these four legged friends.

For me it was a cutie named Romeo (pictured below). He’s a little more special than the rest of them (I mean just look at his face!), but that is what makes him so much more lovable. And even better, he also loves to just love on you all night. Given the circumstances of earlier in the day I ate this up as much as I possibly could!

My favorite cutie - Romeo!

My favorite cutie - Romeo!


A happy distraction from life is something we all need.

My experience with Goat Yoga came on the heels (literally hours) after my family had to unexpectedly put down our dog of 13.5 years. I was upset and contemplated rescheduling, but in the end I decided to go. It was probably one of the best decisions I could have made, and really helped me heal. Take it from someone who now can be somewhat of a living testament – the power of spending even just an hour with goats is a form of therapy no counselor can provide.


As we drove up her long driveway Lainey was ready and waiting outside of the barn. She is literally the nicest human and I felt completely at ease as soon as I saw her (and I hadn't even formally met her). After quick intros we turned towards the barn and it was then time to meet the goats!

It’s hard for your face to not light up when the barn doors are opened and a bunch of goats turn around, see you, and run right up to you. I can imagine how amazing it would be to be in serious mid-yoga pose and all of a sudden a little goat comes up to give you a curious hello.  


Snuggling with goats, taking all of the photos (and selfies), bonding with Lainey, and drinking delicious Oregon wine was the perfect way to spend an evening, and the ultimate definition of a HAPPY hour.

It’s easy to see why people come from states away just to experience this, and why Lainey has amassed such a large waiting list.


No fear! What Lainey has created is so successful, and in my opinion so necessary, that she has expanded to 3 other states including Kentucky, Pennsylvania and New York!

Check out the slideshow below for even more pics!

TIP TO NOTE: If you are going to participate in a goat yoga class prepare for the fact that they are curious and you will get distracted. Most likely from them either getting in your face or even jumping on your back. So just know that you may be going for yoga, but that is probably not be where your focus is going to end up!

If yoga isn’t your thing no worries! You don’t have to downward dog if you don’t want to. This is because Goat Yoga also doubles as goat therapy. Either way you are encouraged to sit down and snuggle until your hearts content if that is your main objective.


Hanging out with Lainey and her goats while drinking wine was the best form of therapy I could have asked for after losing a pet. For the couple of hours we were in the barn I completely forgot about what was going on in my personal life and was able to just be in the moment. Not only is this movement that Lainey created a huge success, it's something that has an overwhelming affect on you (which you probably won't even realize until after you've left). 

I loved the experience so much I will definitely be looking into taking an actual class out here on the East Coast. 

BIG, BIG thank you to Lainey for having my friend and I to her farm. She is the sweetest human being I have ever met and is someone I intend to keep in touch with. There are barely enough words to describe what this experience did for me - so all I can really say is you MUST go experience it for yourself!

Pin the images below so you don't forget about the goat cuteness next time you're in one of the locations!
