The idea of Sunday Funday is nothing new. In fact it may have been one of the first truly viral hashtags on Instagram. But even an old concept deserves a little refresh!

It's too easy to get into the pattern of spending an entire weekend day in your apartment. Your bed is a little too comfortable, you have an abundance of snacks, if not Seamless is just a click away, Netflix is calling....I get it. I do it sometimes too. But not anymore!

I'm here to tell you to get off your lazy butt, bundle up (it is currently winter after all) and get out and explore the big, juicy apple of NYC. For all of you who don't call NY home, this series will hopefully give you little nuggets for your next visit. 

New weekend, new series, new adventures! So off we go into the neighborhoods of Clinton Hill & Fort Greene in Brooklyn. 


When you walk into a coffee shop that sells perfectly curated artisanal pastries, and has a flower shop in the back you know you've arrived in Brooklyn. Stonefruit Espresso + Kitchen is on a slightly unassuming corner in Clinton Hill but packs a big punch with a myriad of tea options and avocado toast that is to die for! Farm-to-table isn't going anywhere anytime soon, and Stonefruit is the perfect indulgence of the two without the guilt! If Australia and California had a little rendezvous, out would come this gem of a shabby chic cafe. 

Lavender latte + seasoned avocado toast on multigrain sourdough with pickled shallot, dukkah and lime. 

Lavender latte + seasoned avocado toast on multigrain sourdough with pickled shallot, dukkah and lime. 

Stonefruit Espresso + Kitchen
1058 Bedford Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11205
(at the corner of Bedford Ave. and Clifton Place)


The perfect 2nd stop on Sunday Funday was less than a 15 minute walk NW of Stonefruit. Many people pass by the Pratt Institute and completely miss the gem that is the sculpture park. Featuring 50 different sculptures it is the largest collection in NYC. Consistently evolving, Pratt brings together artists of all kinds including, emerging artists, well-known artists, graduates and faculty. No matter the style you'll be sure to find some of the strongest sculpture works across the campus' 25-acres.

Pratt Institute
200 Willoughby Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11205
(Willoughby Avenue between Hall St. and Classon Ave.)


Did you know if you walk down Clinton Avenue between Myrtle & Gates you'll be smack dab in the middle of the neighborhood's historical crown jewel? Built back in the 19th century, the impressive townhouses lining the street are the former homes of some of Brooklyn's wealthiest entrepreneurs, inventors, bankers and industrialists. Of course today many of these buildings have been converted into apartment buildings, because, this is New York after all. But it's still a walk that is well-worth it, especially if you're sipping on that perfectly prepared Brooklyn latte. 


Clinton Avenue between Myrtle Ave. and Gates Ave.


Blue skies can be deceiving, especially during the NY winter. So it's time to head inside! 

After ending at Gates Avenue a sharp right turn conveniently leads to the final destination of Sunday Funday. The Brooklyn Flea and Smorgasburg are popular summertime activities, and conveniently also happen to be open in the winter. In my opinion Smorgasburg is better in the Summer when it's along the East River (more on that in a few months); but the Brooklyn Flea has far more charm in the winter! Why, you ask? Strictly because of it's location at One Hanson Place.

Built in the early 1900s as the headquarters of the Williamsburgh Savings Bank, it is easy to see why both the interior and exterior of the building has been declared a New York City Landmark. The small $1 donation gives you unlimited access to the building, and in-between shopping rounds you can head downstairs for a Smorgasburg snack. As with many flea markets make sure you bring enough cash as you're going find a multitude of one-of-a-kind pieces of jewelry, modern and historical artwork, vintage furniture, kitchenware and clothing.

Before you leave don't forget to head up to the mezzanine for an amazing view of the space in it's entirety. After all, this is why we came in the first place. 

Brooklyn Flea - Winter Flea location
One Hanson Place, Brooklyn, NY 11243
(at the corner of Hanson Place and Ashland Place) 

Come back next week for a 'You've Got Mail" adventure through the Upper West Side! 
