Open your phone and click over to Instagram. What's in your feed? And in reality what keeps you scrolling for hours on end in a seemingly glassy-eyed haze? 

For me it's travel. Men, women, couples, friends, people my age, the older and wiser, the infants, full-timers who somehow balance the 9-to-5, those bold enough to quit life, Americans, Europeans, Canadians, Aussies, global citizens, the list goes on. The one thing we all have in common is a never ending sense of adventure and a love affair with this beautiful planet we call home. 

As a travel blogger flooding the scrolling screens of our peers with a never ending string of wanderlust imagery is par for the course.


It's easy to get caught up in the feeds of the "girl gang" of travelers. I don't blame you. When the opposite sex is consistently posting photos of themselves doing handstands, jumping off cliffs and partying all over the world I can see why so many stay on the female side of travel.

But there are the select few who stand out from the crowd, who appreciate a good time and the beauty of nature, and who lucky for us haven't completely blown up yet. Not only are they traveling to places that will make you drop everything you're doing and book a flight they have the added bonus of looking good while doing it. They may even inspire me to quit my job and just go...

Feed the wanderslut inside of you and scroll through the guys below. Tomorrow your feed and your travel points will thank you - your bank account maybe not so much. 

You're welcome, ladies.




Ryan's photography is breathtaking! You can tell he has a true passion for the outdoors and loves capturing the moments he experiences with his friends. His night photography truly inspires me and he has definitely mastered the art of the group selfie. 





If there's one guy who knows how to take a landscape photo it's Kurt. Sharing photos from his native South Africa this guy is going to make you want to pack your bags and head south, way down south, to a land still relatively new on the travel hot list. 





Although his account is mostly associated with the eyewear line he co-founded if you scroll a little further you can see that not only is Hamish a guy who likes to have a good time, he also finds some of the most beautiful spots across Australia and New Zealand. Can you really call the feed of an Aussie legit if there are no surf photos? Don't worry, Hamish has got you covered there. 



His tonality is perfection, he knows the value of a good airplane shot, and has managed to capture both the haziness of a sunset and of a city all over the world. If Josh's photos don't make you want to go pack your bags immediately I don't know what will.  





Be happy that Chris is a "lost child" because without that we wouldn't get the amazingness that is his feed. Dude knows how to capture an epic wilderness shot and knows the magic of the hot air balloon. He's also pretty legit at capturing a great city shot. And did I mention he's been to Russia?! A country that has been on my bucket list since I was a little kid...super jealousssss!




Not only does he have a fabulous beard he also manages to find fabulous hikes all over the world. The quality of his photos are unreal and almost make me want to go on a permanent camping trip. Call him Seb, or call him Sebastian, whatever you decide to call him but on the lookout for his trusty watermelon floatie - it's bound to make an appearance.




Dan the man! Dan really is the man when it comes to photography. You can tell that is where his true passions lie because he beautifully captures not only his subjects but the locations he travels to. His feed almost puts you in a dreamlike state as you subconsciously wish you could be transported to whereever he is - and maybe just maybe he'll capture the magic of your essence in the light of golden hour. 



A New Yorker, woohoo! Naturally, I gravitated towards Luke's feed because of the brightly colored photography. Not only is the way he captures this great state pure perfection his love of the outdoors could not come through more. I appreciate a great adventurist - which is the embodiment of Mr. Kelly. Do yourself a a ticket to New York and avoid Manhattan at all costs. Why would you do that, you may ask? Just look at Luke's feed. 



Growing up in the Pacific Northwest I never fully appreciated my northern Canadian neighbor, but Justis has made me realize Vancouver, BC is having a moment right now. Part of the wildly successful High on Life crew you can tell this guy likes to have a good time. Whether he's cliff jumping, bobsledding, sailing, surfing or hiking this guy knows no bounds and shows you there's more to vacation than just lying on a beach somewhere.  



He's Brazilian so most of you probably won't understand his captions - but this is Instagram so captions are secondary. What you should know is that Robson clearly has a passion for the world and most likely you can find him in some tropical location taking perfectly timed selfies. Cariocas, as they are so aptly known, have a passion for having fun and a passion for living life so you can go into this feed knowing it will be a good time. My only does he maintain that facial hair while on the go?
