A look back at 2016


Sometimes it's good to step away from technology. It gives you time to reflect and to look forward. And even though it's almost February, it's never too late to reflect on 2016! 

Being able to start the year off inside the White House was an unbelievable experience! I've been to DC multiple times (it's one of my favorite places in the US), but being able to tour the White House on the day of the State of the Union address was pretty unreal. I was able to check off Greece from my bucket list, which has been a place I've been wanting to travel to since I was in grade school. And I finished out the year by going on my first solo trip - which also happened to be my first time traveling to Canada. 


Rather than divide the year up by month I give you some briefs facts and highlights of my adventures and what I am looking forward to in 2017!


  • Went back to California for the first time since I moved to NYC (almost 4 years ago) - which included legit Mexican food, days at the beach and driving into Malibu to finally experience Malibu Wines
  • Flew over 5,000 miles to check Greece off my bucket list 
  • Made an impromptu trip to DC to tour the White House 
  • Snorkeled for the first time in the ocean - which happened to be in the center of the caldera in Santorini
  • Went on my first solo trip
  • Turned the big "dirty 30"
  • Spent Memorial weekend touring the wineries on Long Island
  • Experienced the magic of the Wizarding World of Harry Potter in Orlando - also my first time traveling to Florida
  • Spent 24 hours in the "Vegas of the East Coast" (which really did feel like Boardwalk Empire) aka Atlantic City
  • Visited Canada for the first time - I completely fell in love and want to move
  • Started SDW - woohoo!

2017 PLANS (so far)

  • May: San Francisco and Napa
  • July: back to Montreal for Jazz Fest & Canada Day
  • September: checking Africa off the bucket list
  • November: back home to the Pacific Northwest for Thanksgiving


  • Take advantage of Canada's National Parks anniversary and visit Banff - also on the list are Sable Island, Jasper and Grow Morne
  • Experience the culture, food and music of New Orleans (a city on my American bucket list)
  • Have girls weekends in the classic beach towns of Cape Cod and Montauk
  • See the Fall colors of New England - and eat a ton of seafood while doing it
  • Spend the week between Christmas and New Years outside of the US
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I can't wait to see what this year will bring! The 150th anniversary of Canada's National Parks sparked the idea I should really take advantage of living in North America. I want to check off another travel bucket list location, while also trying/seeing something new once a month (in and out of NY) back home. I want to grow my blog and social presence and continue to vlog all of my fun experiences throughout the year. My big goal for 2017 is to expand SDW even further by collaborating with some great travel companies. 

Thank you to everyone who has supported me along the way and to all of the people who have discovered my account and are now following all of my adventures! I can't wait to share more experiences with you! Cheers to 2017!
